Organisiertes, modernes Wohnzimmer mit einem Schrank und Bilder an der Wand


I want you to love your house (again).

With this workshop, I will to teach you how to declutter your whole house without it going back to being a hot mess!

Get freedom from the physcial chaos sustainably.

Improve your mental health & free up your brain cells.

Improve your general health.

Save money. (Really. I am not kidding.)

In this workshop, I will give you a system and a set of rules that will help you stop being overwhelmed and start being organized.

Here's what you'll learn:

3 things to NEVER do when you're decluttering

You will learn about the things that don't work when you want to change things sustainably.

A system to make the magic happen

4 steps to come back to any time you are in that overwhelmed space when decluttering your home.

Rules to organize
your home

You will get a set of rules to always know how to organize your home, and it makes sense for you and your family.

Do you want to say yes to a home that feels oddly satisfying?

This workshop is for people who:

  • You have struggled with clutter in your home for years

  • Are frustrated and overwhelmed with all the STUFF in their homes

  • Have NO IDEA where to start when it comes to declutter and getting organized

  • Feel frustrated, mad, annoyed, even angry about their home

  • Have tried to declutter in the past unsuccessfully and have just given up from trying.

  • Have organized their home but couldn't maintain it, so their house went back to being messy.

Presented by Nazanine Eslamdoust, Founder at The Tidy Wonder

I am a certified professional organizer, and what that means is that I spend my days working inside people's houses and helping them to make decisions about what to keep and what they don't need anymore.

I’m passionate about helping you change your life ​by showing you how to declutter and organize your home.

I want you to reclaim your home and live a fantastic life where you feel in control and full of energy for what really matters to you.

Basically, I want you to kick life's butt!

Nazanine Eslamdoust Professional Organizer Ordnungscoach Hamburg in white t-shirt and brown hair smiling

"Nazanine has been such an amazing help for us! We have gone through each family member's wardrobe, as well as other rooms in our house. All of the rooms -we could have done ourselves in theory – but Nazanine's helps us stay focused, ORGANISED, on task and at the end of the day, everything looks fantastic. She is full of ideas for how to label and store things, and she goes out of her way to help with follow-up ideas and recommendations. Highly recommend Nazanine's help. We are an international family and have moved multiple times. We have boxes from previous moves, and we have children's items from a decade ago - SO much to get rid of and go through - all too much for me to face and it was a big help to have Nazanine's guidance to get it done quickly, and eco-consciously."

— Michaela A.

FAQ Frequently asked questions

What is the workshop about?

This workshop is designed to help people transform their life by decluttering and organizing their home. It covers practical strategies to declutter, create a more peaceful living space, and experience positive life changes.

How long is the workshop?

The workshop is expected to last approximately 1,5 hours, including questions of the audience.

Who should attend this workshop?

This workshop is suitable for anyone looking to declutter their home and improve their overall quality of life. Whether they're a homeowner, renter, or just someone seeking to lead a more organized life, they'll find value in this event.

Is there any preparation required before attending the workshop?

There's no preparation required. Just come with an open mind and a willingness to learn and apply the techniques we'll discuss.

What do I need to bring to the workshop?

I recommend bringing a notepad and pen for taking notes. But that's about it!

Are there any materials provided at the workshop?

Yes, all necessary materials and handouts will be provided during the workshop.

Can I bring a friend or family member with me to the workshop?

Absolutely! Friends or family who may benefit from the workshop are welcome.

Kaffeetasse auf einer minimalistischen leeren Oberfläche

Hast du noch Fragen?

If you have any question about this workshop or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can use the contact form here or write me an email

I'll be in touch to schedule a quick chat with you!

Looking forward to it.


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Nazanine Eslamdoust | Professional Organizer | Decluttering and Organizing Services

Providing professional home organizing, decluttering and many other organizing services in and around Hamburg.